Hello fellow sailors!
Big news from our very own Game: Fengg Forest (Working Title).
We applied for Prototype Funding.
Luckily the amazing initiative Games BW is currently in the first selection period this year for game projects and we finally got everything together and applied.
We want to start active development for our German-core fairy tale RPG as soon as possible. We’ve been working on the concept, gameplay ideas and worldbuilding for half a year now and are ready to make them come to live.
If you love forests, mythical creatures and get a cozy fuzzy feeling in your stomache when looking at Black Forest craftsmanship, this might become the game for you. We will craft an enjoyable gameworld with exciting fights, storylines and characters in our very own interpretation of what a “german” game looks like.
Hopefully we will get to make the next announcement real soon!
First Visual Concept of the village of Eichenhain